You may track your order at any time with your order number. Visit Enter your order number and click the "Track Order" button. If you do not see any tracking information that means that your order has not yet shipped.
If you created an account when you placed your order, you may check your order status and tracking there as well. Visit and sign in or create an account with the email you used to place your order.
We will send you a tracking number when your order ships. Typically it will take 2-3 business to process your order, prepare your products, and package your order for shipment. If you have not received your tracking email by the 4th day you may do the following:
Check your Spam, Clutter, Trash, or Promotions folders in your email account. From time to time our emails may be diverted to one of these folders.
If you created an account at checkout, you may login to see the status of your order:
If you still don't have your tracking information, please chat with us at, email us at or call 855-358-1676.
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